v2022 發佈公告

by / 星期一, 14 11 月 2022 / Published in 2022 新消息

Crosslight is proud to announce new features & milestones for its upcoming v2022 release. In addition to multiple bug fixes and improvements, the following new feature/improvements were made:

  • VCSEL model for multiple tunneling junctions has been improved so that more accurate optical output can be extracted from the simulation.
  • Significant improvements in speed, accuracy, and ease of use for the microcavity FDFD model. This model is now recommended for complex VCSEL structures, including devices with multiple tunnel junctions.
  • Hot carrier injection/trap generation model for thin film transistors.
  • Updated AC models.
  • New 3D mesh generation system.

This version will be released later this year, after final testing has been completed. Customers with an up-to-date maintenance contract can contact their local sales representatives if they wish to try these new features right away.